Different Lesbians -GirlfriendsSatisfy Site

The expression


is among the most commonly used to describe women that like other females, the majority of don’t realize could there be are very different kinds of lesbians. This little guide shall help you find which group (or teams) you squeeze into along with you’re many interested in.

Before we get into the tips guide, here is probably the most important terms during the LGBTQ globe –

Gold-star Gay

. In such a case it would be a gold-star lesbian, therefore they have just ever had gender with females.  Now to the range of ‘Types of Lesbians’. Please be aware you’ll find hundreds of terms and conditions and off shoots to all the these.


– is the next most commonly known term used to describe a homosexual feminine.  When utilized by somebody which is not an element of the LGBTQ , it is considered offense.  There are various forms of dykes – infant dyke, diesel dyke, power dyke, etc.

Child dykes

– ladies who have simply turn out are known as child dykes. Like a baby, everything is not used to them – they will have never addressed gay problems or tradition before and therefore are very excited to learn.

Power dykes

– or power lesbians tend to be ladies in effective jobs, they may be strong and independent.

Diesel dykes

– are manly lesbians who is going to have a more aggressive nature, and they also go-by butch.

Tricky Butch

– Also termed as “Dykes on Bikes”, kind of like fabric putting on, motorcycle driving ladies. These ladies commonly a little more male.


– Females that adopt masculine traits are considered butch.  Butch ladies are usually the dominating spouse. They dress and often work much more manly subsequently an average lady. Discover offshoots of Butch including Soft Butch and intense Butch.

Soft Butch

– a smooth Butch typically wears a lot more masculine garments but may still have long styled hair, well-kept nails. They would land in the exact middle of Butch and Femme/Lipstick lesbian. In conclusion a Soft Butch she’d be like the lovable lady nearby definitely a tomboy.


– if you discover that you’re a blend of both femme and butch, you’re (a smooth butch or) a chapstick lesbian. These women are generally speaking androgynous; they dress slightly manly but act much more feminine.

Blue Jean Femme

– A Blue Jean Femme is an extremely female lesbian that can favor a everyday garments.

Lipstick lesbians

– tend to be female lesbians, referred to as femme.  They enjoy a lot more feminine clothing, beauty products, footwear and often put on more skirts and dress.  The difference between femmes and lipstick lesbians is actually femmes typically date butch women where as lip stick lesbian date additional girly lesbians.

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