Resting, kept in order to correct, is Judy Sullivan, Nancy Parkinson, Gayle Bruhjell, and you can Sally Meier, each of Bismarck

Resting, kept in order to correct, is Judy Sullivan, Nancy Parkinson, Gayle Bruhjell, and you can Sally Meier, each of Bismarck

Sypnieski, manager manager of your own Northern Dakota Tuberculosis and you can Fitness Assn

Bismarck Tribune Range – Christmas 1957 00080-Field 2-Document 05-01 Paulette Fandrich, 5, an excellent daughter away from Mr. John Fandrich, makes to place a coin in one of the one or two beautiful american Latin women Salvation Army Christmas kettles set up toward downtown roads. At kept try Lt. Irene Wyatt of the local Salvation Military. Funds from the newest kettles is employed to find food and dresses on Mountain City needy. E.J. Engle and you may Mrs. Theodore Land, Sterling, have been certainly one of moms and dads exactly who attended this new Xmas teas supplied by family business economics people within Bismie Engel, center, and Janet Freeman. Harry Renschler, Bismarck; Mrs. Roy Sayler, Underwood; Mrs. Carter Pendergast, Jr. Robert Knudson, Bismarck; and you will Mrs. Merlin Indergaard, Riverdale – O. B. Ward on Bismarck Medical 00080-Package 2-Document 05-04 Father christmas within the vessel towards the trailer 00080-Container dos-Document 05-05 Keith Ulmer with Father christmas (Mr.

Robert Ulmer) 00080-Field dos-Document 05-06 Clarence Roehrich having Father christmas (Mr. John Roehrich) 00080-Box 2-File 05-07 Malot Strandemo, 2, which have Father christmas (Mr. Robert Strandemo 00080-Container dos-File 05-08 Tony Werner with Santa claus (Mr. Anton Werner) 00080-Package dos-File 05-09 Lloyd Grosgebauer, Mandan; Darlene Fischer, Halliday; Doug Ackley, Bismarck; Sharon Leimbach, Bismarck; Curt Anderson, Rural Bismarck – The BJC children 00080-Package 2-File 05-ten Unlock Their Cardio Headquarters, 221 Broadway Ave. Gilbert Eagle), Mrs. Davis, and you can Capt. Dale Meters. Tolerud 00080-Package 2-Document 05-14 Nativity world during the Bismarck Healthcare 00080-Box dos-Document 05-fifteen Sheep at Nativity world in Bismarck 00080-Box dos-File 05-sixteen Nativity world located in side of the Post office 00080-Box 2-File 05-17 Annual Nativity world erected of the Bismarck Columbian Squires on the fresh new North Pacific Depot 00080-Box 2-Document 05-18 Nativity scene based in top of your own Post office 00080-Container dos-File 05-19 Xmas decorations 00080-Box dos-Document 05-20 Christmas decor into the classroom 00080-Package 2-Document 05-21 Mrs.

John Meisner that have Xmas pshade with Christmas golf balls to have clappers ily. Harold Long, Bismarck), Myra Stowman, Elder Nurse, Valley City, Trent Heinemeyer, 11 days (Mr. Raymond Heinemeyer, Washburn), and Santa claus 00080-Field 2-File 05-25 Some body emailing Xmas packages in the Bismarck Post-office 00080-Package 2-Document 05-twenty-six Hill Tv listeners sent Christmas notes in order to “Ed Sullivan” which returned these to feel made available to new pediatric wards regarding your local hospital. Edward L. Some of the boys quit their unique spending cash to donate bucks, others put gowns dinner, or playthings. Right here, front row, kept to right, is Herbert Schimmelpfenning, John Scherf, Paul Halvorson, Rickey Johnson, Alan Speed, and you will Dave Solheim. Regarding the bottom is Gary Haas, Penis Deutscher, and you will Eddo Carlson, whom approved the fresh merchandise on the part of Open Your own Heart.

Captain, Richard Pinks, Lt

Bismarck Tribune Range – January 1958 00080-Package 2-File 06-01 Van Selvig 00080-Box dos-File 06-02 Glen D. Heitzman 00080-Field dos-Document 06-03 John W. Carlisle, Vice president, Area Area; William J. Carey, Treasurer, Bismarck; J. F. Conmy, Assistant, Bismarck; D. An effective. Taylor, Manager, Bismarck; Evan Throat, President, Bismarck 00080-Box dos-File 06-04 Ell Torrance gets Previous President prize regarding Evan Lips 00080-Package 2-Document 06-05 Store 00080-Box dos-Document 06-06 Store 00080-Box 2-Document 06-07 Bismarck Work Temple 00080-Box dos-File 06-08 Picture of a register windows off a good Bismarck vehicle appearing demand for a drag Strip to have Bismarck 00080-Box dos-File 06-09 The latest Java Mug Bistro 00080-Field dos-File 06-10 Chinchillas within the crate 00080-Package dos-Document 06-11 Boys on bowling alley 00080-Box dos-Document 07-01 Bismarck Fire Dept. Age.E. Bartolina, MDU Gasoline Superintendent Teacher.

Leftover so you’re able to correct: Al Ode, Asst. Knob Radspinner, Joe Feist, Asst. Master Adam Brown, Charles Graves, Armion Schulera, and you will Wayne Wrangham 00080-Field dos-Document 07-02 Walter Bonnet, McClusky, which have seafood 00080-Box dos-File 07-03 Rueben Hintz, Mercer, that have fish 00080-Package dos-File 07-04 Lynn Lindboom (sp? Updates was Sandra Sagehorn, Jane Unit, and you can Annette Jansonius, Bismarck, Janet Glut, Mandan, and you can Mary Sowka and Sue Danstrom, Bismarck 00080-Container dos-Document 07-07 Bismarck Senior high school second-floor hallway 00080-Container 2-File 07-08 Side: Susan Cartwright, Gail Peterson, Donna Images, Sandy Smith. Past Line: Jean Marie Manager, Kyle Twaddle, Bruce Bischof, Manhood Kaiser, Gary Bartz, Terry Luke – BHS Performance Band 00080-Container dos-Document 07-09 Get together on February of Dimes at a beneficial Bise from the the world Combat Memorial Strengthening.

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